Job Site Log Raising Event

Everyone can help with a log raising, including applying some of the caulking, illustrating how important but simple it is to properly install the materials in a log home package provided by Honest Abe.

The customer wanted a really rough hand-hewn finish on the exterior and interior. That can be done in the Honest Abe manufacturing plant and shipped with any package. Some people choose to have all their logs hand-hewn, while others select only accent pieces.

The proud owner was giving tours of his new home throughout the weekend.

This is how it looks when a log home is raised!

Everyone was very excited when the logs were finished. The floor plan selected was the Westfield, which was modified and customized for their own needs and budget. It has a walk-out basement and will have a loft when completed.

Those who braved the July heat were part of a home being built from the foundation up – just like it would have been at the log raisings held by America’s pioneers.

In creating a log home package, Honest Abe uses 3-D modeling and computer-driven equipment overseen by a team of experienced craftsmen. Every log that goes into a home is cut to exact specifications for a perfect fit – a critical step when it comes to windows, doors and corner notches. Contractors appreciate this precision.

Guests were invited come into the home under construction for a close look at each step.

All the high quality hardware necessary to secure the logs in place is included in an Honest Abe package.

Almost done!

The logs selected for the 1,200 SF Brown home were square, creating a flat exterior and interior.

An information table offered Honest Abe booklets, floor plan books, stain samples and other free literature. Guests could sit and enjoy a PowerPoint Presentation on how to build a log home, timber frame home or log cabin.

Making sure all logs are plumb & square gets a project started off right.

The homeowner wanted to hand hew a log for her home and had the change to do so at the Show Me Log Raising.These personal touches make a custom home even more precious to the people who have waited all their lives to build the home of their dreams.

It did not take long until the logs were going up at the Log Raising.

It did not take long until the walls were above the windows.
The Home Progresses….