Getting a Designer Involved Early in the Process
Early engagement of a design consultant can be very beneficial when it comes to saving money while ensuring that your design will meet your goals. Designer Molly Cooper often consults with clients before the floor plan is even finalized. Let her tell you why.
Many of us have been spending more time at home the last few years so it comes as no surprise that home improvements are trending as well as new home builds.
Before you spend all your time dreaming and putting together design boards yourself, let me encourage you to engage with an interior designer who can help save you time and bring all your ideas to life, as well as letting you in on trade secrets and good buys for your home.
Taking a Hard Look at the Floor Plans
Let’s first start with the plans, you will naturally have a draftsman for your build. While they are excellent at their job and keep everything in code and account for all the structural side of things, drafters haven’t had the pleasure of getting to know you or your style and the need for particular finishes or furniture, and homeowners look at that plan as a sheet of paper with lines on it. Let an interior designer in on the conversation, and we can help you understand that your great grandmother’s chest of drawers will not fit the way it needs to on a wall that you see a space so it “must fit”.
Avoiding Mistakes and Save Money
Going back to the chest of drawers, let a designer know all of your wants and needs because when the drafting phase comes, we can save your money and a drafter’s time in letting them know what specific needs you have. A space for grandmother’s chest of drawers, enough wall space for hanging a particular head mount from your hunt out west or a desk space in the kitchen so your kids can sit and finish homework while you cook dinner.
Identifying Your Style and Bringing it to Life
With websites like Pinterest and Houzz, home interior inspiration is right at your fingertip and with a click of a mouse, thousands of ideas, beautifully curated photos and how to videos are right there for you. Now with all the options available, I see many homeowners feeling overwhelmed and at a loss of how to bring it all together. And interior designer is trained to ask the correct questions and define a style specifically for you and your dream home.
Enjoying the Process Without the Headache
While it is great fun to help with the build of your new home…really what you want is the finished product, turn-key ready and a cozy, love filled home. While all that is the end result, I won’t lie, the building process is not for the faint of heart. Somedays are not fun, tons of decisions must be made and no matter what, you are inevitably waiting on a contractor to finish their part of the build. Let your designer take some of that stress away. We can line up finish selections as they are needed and get with your General Contractor on things you don’t necessarily have to answer. We pride ourselves in being organized and lists of to-dos and a timeline to do them in.

Advice from interior designer Molly Cooper, Cooper & Co. Design, a division of Honest Abe Log Homes.