Want to feel fresh this new year? Four tips with 2022 tops trends in mind.
It is January, we have, for the most part gotten 2021 and all the Holidays and celebrations behind us. Now, as we look toward the future and what all 2022 has in store for us, but first we need to clean up and pack up and put away all the holiday decorations and start with a clean slate for the new year.
Are you like me, when you take down the Christmas tree and stocking (and everything else), do you feel like you house is naked? I always do, but I have come to love the feeling of a clean slate for the coming year. Read along with me as we look at four trends that will be prominent home décor style for 2022.
So, as the cleanup of 2021 begins (and hopefully ends quickly), think to about these ways to start your home décor year off right by implementing these in your homes.

Loft as Workspace
Multifunctional spaces and furniture are very much on trend this year. From 2020 and the start of the pandemic and everyone working from home, employees, myself included, had to come up with clever way to integrate an office into a space that once only had one purpose. Mine desk is in my kitchen, your family room might also serve as the homeschool space and there is nothing wrong with either. It is a cozy feeling to be in a space with others doing their own thing and you doing yours.

Keeping it Neutral
Neutrals and all the beautiful natural shades that come in the neutral pallet! To be honest the neutral “fad” will always be in style because it really isn’t a fad at all, it is a timeless look that will forever be in style. Neutrals are clean, they are safe, and they are peaceful and after the past two years we have had the neutrals and naturals are very much “in.”
Furniture Dejavu
Vintage is back and in a very big way. Shopping for “old” furniture was easy 5 years ago with plenty of selection at the local thrift store or craigslist, but now that grandma’s mid-century modern sofa table is back in, finding unique item for your home seems a bit harder than before. Facebook marketplace, Goodwill and the local thrift and antique stores are still great resources you might just be paying a bit more and you must be patient until the right piece come for sale.

Finally, DIY!
This has really been a “thing” for several years now, with Chip and Jo in Texas and Ben and Erin in Laurel Mississippi, you have plenty of inspiration for all things DIY. Some even call it Mindful Making, but whatever your term is, it can be very soothing to sit down to a project and see it through and then display it in your home. Our homes are not only where we live but it also tells a story of who we are and what we love. Displays of DIY projects around the room will tell a story of the inspirations in our lives and what is important to us.